Kirstien Bjerregaard, PhD MBACP

Kirstien has trained and coached leaders in a variety of frontline professions on topics such as communication, conflict transformation, resilience and wellbeing. She draws on the latest in neuroscience, psychology, nature based therapies and peoples lived experience to illustrate how we are naturally designed to recover, adapt and flourish no matter what the circumstance.

With a background working in international emergency relief, Sure Start programs, organisational leadership, coaching and development, as well as therapy. She holds a Doctorate in Social and Organisational Psychology (2015) and an Advanced Diploma in Psychotherapeutic Counselling (2015), Certification in Narrative Transformative Coaching (2014), and training in Group Facilitation (2006), Non-Duality and the 3 Principles (2018).

She has been an accredited member of the British Association of Counselling and Psychotherapy since (2016), and is taking accredited training in Psychedelic Assisted Therapy (2024).

Kirstien believes that encouraging an expanded sense of awareness and being out in nature boosts the psychological immune system, encourages creativity and play, and helps people connect to the healing intelligence which lives within us all.

Kirstien delights in being a force of nature, the calm as well as the storm. Some of her favourite past-times include drinking mugs of tea outside in stormy weather, swimming, writing, gardening, dancing and being a mum.