Outside of ideas of wrong doing or right doing, there is a field.
I’ll meet you there.

- Rumi -

Discover how you are designed to thrive.  

You are designed to live life wholeheartedly, to feel all emotions, have clarity and rest in peace and calm.

We experience life through our invisible psychological operating system, which generates our moment-to-moment, embodied experience of life through mind, thought and consciousness. Contrary to how it can seem there is not a factual experience of reality. We do not experience life as it is, rather we experience life as we are, in our transient state of mind. The universal intelligence or life force that lives in all living organisms is also in us. Like a plant naturally grows to the light, we are designed to adapt and grow, whatever the circumstance.

In each moment we are designed to have fresh thought that enables us to know what best to do next. The extent to which we hear this everyday wisdom from within is affected by the degree to which we are present in the moment and our state of mind. The busier our minds the less likely it is we will hear fresh thought, relevant to the moment. Overthinking, worry, regret, analysis, and anticipation can cloud out what's most helpful to see in the here and now.

When our minds quiet, we get clarity and see clearer the way ahead.

“What shape waits in the seed of you to grow and spread its branches against a future sky?”

-David Whyte-

Meet the Team

Dr Kirstien Bjerregaard

Co-Founder & Director

Relating to myself and others as fields of possibility where love and connection flourish is foundational to all my work..

A psychologist, mental health educator, coach and counsellor. Kirstien has trained and coached leaders in a variety of frontline professions on topics such as communication, conflict transformation, resilience and wellbeing. She draws on the latest in neuroscience, psychology, nature based therapies and peoples lived experience to illustrate how we are naturally designed to adapt and flourish no matter what the circumstance.

With a background working in international emergency relief, Sure Start programs and organisational leadership and development, she has a Doctorate in Organisational and Social Psychology, MSc in Social Planning and Development, and BSocSc in Social Anthropology, along with an Advanced Diploma in Psychotherapeutic Counselling, and training in group facilitation, non-duality and the 3 Principles.

Some of her favourite past-times include drinking mugs of tea outside in stormy weather, wild swimming, writing, gardening, dancing and being a mum.

I enjoy supporting groups, individuals and couples to strengthen relationships, sustain wellbeing, navigate challenging times, address mental health issues and uncover potential.

I believe being outdoors enhances people’s connection to their natural state of wellbeing and creativity. Understanding where experience comes from and who they truly are transforms people’s lives.

Sarah Webb

Forest School Leader and Rewilding Guide

I’m passionate about people experiencing the joy and healing being immersed in nature brings.

A certified rewilding guide & mentor, forest school leader and holistic massage therapist with a back ground in nursing and social work

Sarah sees that nature is the classroom where we witness and explore our natural essence and life force.

Gentle playfulness, fun and presence are at the heart of all her work.

She runs forest school activities, mindfulness and embodied practices to explore the impact of being present to what is, and facilitates space for individuals and groups of young people and parents to experience the power of being present to life, through forest school activities, mindfulness, and embodied practises.

She cherishes being a mother of two young boys and draw on my understanding of the inside-out nature of experience to navigate all aspects of my life

Vicki Churchill

Grounds Manager and Conservation Lead

Nature is my family and home. Ever since I was a child I have found comfort and wisdom in the wildlife around me. I love sharing my curiosity about nature with others, through photography and knowledge.

Vicki has been working on the land and with animals for most of her life. She holds a NVQ qualifications in Environmental Conservation, Woodland Management and Leading Groups in the Environment and certificates in all manner of practical skills and, work health and safety. She also works as the Conservation Warden on the Dartington Estate.

When she is not busy, she loves dancing to northern soul, fishing, finding archaeological treasures and being with her son.

Kirstien’s story of how it became…

‘I’ll work in this field of possibility’ I said, to my then coach, Sally, as we stood inside the gate looking up across the field which was thigh high in grass, thistle, and ragwort. It was October 2015; the blue sky was mottled with grey clouds. We hugged our coats for warmth. A miniature plastic Bob the builder figure lay face up by the gate post. ‘Really?’ She said.

The twitch of her eyebrows confirmed my doubts, who was I to think this way? A fantasist and day dreamer, who has ideas above her station. As a busy working mum with 3 young children, I was far from operating as a field of possibility, more from sleep deprived probability.

I liked the idea that we are the authors of our lives. My day job was in transformative coaching and training with frontline professionals, and I had the t-shirt, ‘because you are alive, everything is possible’ (Thich Nhat Hanh), but I didn’t know in my heart it was true. I was far more familiar with scepticism, doubt, insecurity, and suspicion than possibility. Being a field of possibility was more my husband, Mox’s default setting.  Nevertheless, I brought the domain name, berated myself for not being enough of a field of possibility, and after digging for water in the field failed, I forgot about it.

7 years on, whilst I rejoiced in our collaborative creation of a wildlife swim pond and a reciprocal roof roundhouse, appreciated sharing our home with a Ukrainian family, and felt gratitude for loving and believing in my work, I realised being a field of possibility is the heart and soul of what I do, who I am and where I point people to.

And of course, many times a day I forget this and react from insecurity and fear but it’s a great space to hang my hat and trust in being, a field of possibility.

Why? Because understanding how we are designed with an inbuilt capability to adapt, heal and thrive enables us to trust in our ability to navigate life no matter what the circumstance.

Why? Because living life knowing you are a field of possibility instils hope, encourages sustainability and builds relationships.

Why? Because, as Rumi implies, meeting our self and others in a field outside of ideas of wrong-doing and right-doing is fertile ground for forgiveness, love, harmony and creativity to flourish.

I look forward to being with you there.