Nourish your natural state of well-being

Monthly wellbeing sanctuaries to connect to your deeper nature; explore the 3 principles and your inner guidance system.

in the Field of Possibility, near Totnes, Devon, UK

The sanctuary was like a dream. I kept thinking I was going to wake up. And I did in one sense, the insight around letting go of thoughts, and just being, has helped me already.

Rob Aston

Sanctuary Days

Fridays 1000 - 1430

10th May / 7th June / 5th July / 6th September / 4th October

Conversations and gentle awareness exercises guide you to tune into your natural state of wellbeing and take away a deeper awareness of your inner guidance / healing system

The day takes place around a fire (outdoors in the roundhouse when weather permits) and includes time to hang-out in the field of possibility. Swim in the wildlife pond and take a sauna (should you wish to). Snacks and drinks provided. Bring your own lunch.

Exchange: - sliding scale - £65 - £50

“Nature is not a place to visit. It is home.”

Gary Snyder

An invitation to join us
