News and Resources
Crippled by Insecurity
Today I'm crippled by insecurity
A knotted stomach,
twisted vertebrate,
clenched jaw, hunched spine.
Jet lagged from childhood programmed thoughts wreaking havoc on my sanity.
'No one understands me', 'I'm not good enough, not worthy enough, not safe enough... you know the score.
A well worn tune, a familiar hym, the crescendo of which creates a mighty ring a ding ding.
I'm embarrassed to be caught singing along. Yet I know from my work I'm not the only one…..
The Magic of Insights
How often do you pay attention to your insights?
An insight is a new thought that comes to us and shifts our understanding of who we are and how life is. Through that change in understanding we get to experience life in a different way and it shifts our behaviour.
We are designed to have these insights. We are designed for new and fresh thought about how life is but often we haven’t been taught this so we are too focussed on what we already know, what other people tell us or what we read in books so we don’t readily listen out for those insights.
State of Mind Snow Globe
Awareness of our state of mind, helps us to assess the extent to which we are able to see things clearly.
We can’t think our way out of a busy mind (that just makes it busier) but if we sense we are in a snow storm we can know not to take our thinking so seriously.
The snow (thinking) will naturally settle when we are less interested in it. In a quieter mind, we experience clarity and we’re more likely to see / hear new and fresh thought that’s relevant to the present moment.
A Tool Kit for a Better Life Podcast Interview
Kirstien joined Christine Petersen on her podcast "A Toolkit for a Better Life" to talk about "Living from the inside out" - a really interesting discussion on what this means, what are the benefits to us, and how to apply this to our normal lives.
The Intuitive Way of Love Podcast Interview
We really enjoyed listening to Kirstien Bjerregaard being interviewed by Linda Sandel Pettit for The Wild, Intuitive Way of Love podcast this month.
She shared about the impact love and possibility has on her life and work.
They also discussed the retreat they will be running together in Devon, UK in September with Sarah Webb and most deliciously what the joy of embodied love looks like to them.
When you have a moment we invite you to take a listen.
Rooted in Presence: The synergy of breath and thought
There is a simplicity to being a field of possibility that can easily get overlooked.
Presence in the moment offers clarity.
When present our senses expand, we hear, see, smell, taste, feel more.
When present we think less. We think fresh.
When present we breathe slower, deeper, calmer.
Tune into wellbeing
We are sooooo excited!!
Listen to our invitation to you to join us on seasonal and annual immersions in nature.
We are recruiting…
We are very excited to be advertising for a new role maintaining and developing the land here to allow for more outdoor activities to take place that enhance people’s resilience and well-being.
The kick-starter scheme is government funded scheme to support young people into work. To be eligible you need to be between 18 - 24 years old and in receipt or entitled to universal credit.
Our mind is the magical solution
I just found the perfect sign for my door.
Most of the people I work with are surprised to discover that the solution resides in the magic of their mind.
What’s Behind the Scene?
We exist within the convincing illusion (upheld by a predominant but outdated social understanding) that our experience comes from the outside-in and our moods and feelings are caused by something or someone. Within this illusion it makes sense that we look to external things, or other people, changing to change our mood and experience.
Links to the wisdom of others
“No one can give away wisdom. A teacher can only lead you to it via words, hoping you will have the courage to look within yourself and find it inside your own consciousness”. Missing Link, Sydney Banks
Nevertheless sometimes its helpful to have a reminder of where to look, and to hear how others found it. Here are links to podcasts and talks with some of the people who have helped us.
The Sensual Still
When we slow down.
We realise that we don’t need to keep up with the pace of our thinking.
Urgency fades and distraction is no longer required.
When we live in the moment and not in our thinking about the past or future, we tune into the pleasures of being alive.