What’s Behind the Scene?
We exist within the convincing illusion (upheld by a predominant but outdated social understanding) that our experience comes from the outside-in and our moods and feelings are caused by something or someone. Within this illusion it makes sense that we look to external things, or other people, changing to change our mood and experience.
Actually, (as evidenced in recent neuroscientific discoveries) our experience of life, our-self, and the people around us is always projected from the inside-out. We always experience our thinking about how the world is, rather than a factual external reality.
Why does this matter?
Well like many others I thoroughly enjoy watching the sun rising and setting, but I would quickly get lost at sea if I did not consider the fact the illusion is caused by the earth turning rather than the sun going up or down. Similarly, navigating what to do in life and how to be, from the compelling illusion that our experience is caused by the situation and other people often leads to feeling stuck, fearful, and impotent.
Whereas when we understand how our experience of life is generated from within, we can take that into account to navigate what to do and where to go. This offers a more empowered, hopeful, trusting experience of life.